How To Dress For A Job Interview

Here are some general tips to follow if you're fretting about what to wear to your job interview.

  1. If you're not sure, just ask! If you don't know what the appropriate dress is for your interview, the human resources department will be happy to clue you in on their fashion atmosphere.

  2. Keep it clean (and wrinkle-free). It seems like obvious advice, but you don't want to walk into an interview with grass stains on your pants. And don't forget to iron those wrinkles out of your shirt!

  3. Be well-groomed. Your clothes aren't the only important element of your appearance.

    • Your hair should be clean, trimmed, and in place. Rolling out of bed with morning hair and straight into the car is a bad idea.
    • Men should be clean-shaven or have neatly-trimmed facial hair.
    • Make sure you're showered and smelling nice (but don't overdo it with the cologne/perfume). This means you should avoid smoking before the interview so the smell doesn't cling to your clothes.
    • Don't forget to brush your teeth! Mouthwash couldn't hurt, either.
    • Your fingernails should be trimmed, clean, and free of flashy nail polish.

  4. Err on the side of caution. If you're not completely sure if your outfit is appropriate, always default to dressing more formal rather than less.

    • Even if you're told to dress "business casual," think more "business" than "casual" when deciding what to wear.

  5. Be comfortable! A three-piece suit may not be comparable to a t-shirt and jeans, but you should still be sure you're dressed as comfortably as the situation allows.

    • The more comfortable you feel, the more relaxed you will be in your interview.

  6. If you need new clothes, buy 'em! You don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe for the purposes of your interview, but if your khakis are frayed around the edges or your shoes have seen better days, you should consider replacing them.

    • Cut off any tags and peel off any stickers that are on your new clothes.

  7. Cover up those tattoos. If you have any visible tattoos, cover them up with clothing if at all possible.

  8. Have your clothes ready the night before. If you don't realize your shirt has a stain on it until an hour before you have to leave, you're in trouble. Lay your interview clothes out the night before to be sure everything is in order.

  9. General rule: keep it conservative. If you learn nothing else from reading this, just remember that when in doubt, always choose an outfit that is less flashy. You want your attire to make you look like a professional, not call attention to the neon shirt you're wearing.
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